


Fire Alarm Monitoring Requirements

Did you know BuildingReports provides for the ability to include monitoring information on web-based inspection reports?

According to the changes in the 2010 updates, NFPA 72 now explicitly approves the use of alternative digital voice technologies, like Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP), and communication service providers, like cable companies, for fire monitoring purposes. All providers, including legacy analog phone companies, must meet the same monitoring performance requirements. BuildingReports has included the more detailed information in it’s online reporting solution to satisfy these stricter requirements since the announcement went into effect.

How does it work?

Monitoring information is added on the website by users at Under the Buildings link, authorized users either add a new building or edit and existing one, then scroll down to Monitoring Company. After completing this information, the monitoring company, phone number and account number will be reflected on the NFPA 72 and standard web-based reports for easy compliance and AHJ verification.



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