The most trusted name in compliance reporting.




Deadline for U.S. Federal Ban on Chinese Security Cameras Approaches

As August 13th draws closer, U.S. federal
agencies are still attempting to comply with Congress’s ban passed last year
which takes effect on that date. Recently, two prominent security camera
manufacturers have been identified as having vulnerabilities that can allow
unauthorized parties to gain administrative access over the devices. Other manufacturers
and devices are also named in the US Department of Homeland Security’s
Industrial Control Systems Cyber Emergency Response Team advisory and
subsequent legislation that effectively banned their use by Federal agencies on
that date:

(3) COVERED TELECOMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT OR SERVICES.—The term “covered telecommunications equipment or services” means any of the following:

(A) Telecommunications equipment produced by Huawei Technologies Company or ZTE Corporation (or any subsidiary or affiliate of such entities).

(B) For the purpose of public safety, security of government facilities, physical security surveillance of critical infrastructure, and other national security purposes, video surveillance and telecommunications equipment produced by Hytera Communications Corporation, Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Company, or Dahua Technology Company (or any subsidiary or affiliate of such entities).

(C) Telecommunications or video surveillance services provided by such entities or using such equipment.

(D) Telecommunications or video surveillance equipment or services produced or provided by an entity that the Secretary of Defense, in consultation with the Director of the National Intelligence or the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, reasonably believes to be an entity owned or controlled by, or otherwise connected to, the government of a covered foreign country.

Experts believe it will be very difficult for most Federal agencies to comply with the law by the dealine, but Service Members with SecurityScan may have an advantage and an opportunity to assist facility management in the replacement. Leveraging the BuildingReports inspections of these facilities, administrators can export SecurityScan data from their portal to filter out security cameras to determine the make, model and location of the devices.

Service Members who provide security inspection and services can also take advantage by adding SecurityScan to their BuildingReports portfolio. For pricing or to learn more, contact

To export your SecurityScan data in order to determine the number and location of impacted security cameras, follow these steps:

  1. Log into your portal at
  2. Click Get Reports.
  3. Select any tab and then the Export button in the upper right-hand corner of the screen (you’ll have the opportunity to choose SecurityScan in the next step).
  4. On the following screen, be sure to select these settings before exporting your file:
    1. Export Information:
      1. Application = SecurityScan
      2. Choose the radio button option for All inspections in one file.
    1. Inspection Selection:
      1. Set the date range for the export for a period of 1 year from today’s date (Example:From = 7/23/2018; To = 7/23/2019)
      2. If you wish to only pull the last report for a building within the last year, check the Only include the latest inspection for each building checkbox.
  5. Click the Export Range button when ready. The export time will depend on the volume of data and the current demand.

If you encounter any issues or have any questions, please contact for assistance.


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